Resonance Design

everything and nothing that involves notions of a design and thinking pattern that Rob van Kranenburg and me called "Resonance Design" (or Extelligence Design, your choice)

Friday, November 25, 2005

Sure, do You want more stupid conversation?

Mirjam Struppek opens her I Chat and:

Today I opened my I chat and suddenly there were two uninvited members:
SoppingBuddy and MovieFone....

That's what the robots answer:

was soll das, wer bist du?

ShoppingBuddy is built and maintained by a company called InfiniteAgent. At
InfiniteAgent we do track the different requests that are made and the
answers that we are sending back to you so that we can make sure the robot
is working properly. Type more.

privacy anytime

ShoppingBuddy is built and maintained by a company called InfiniteAgent. At
InfiniteAgent we do track the different requests that are made and the
answers that we are sending back to you so that we can make sure the robot
is working properly. Type more.


Other than your screen name we have no other personal information that is
directly related to you. Type more.


The other information that we do have is just the plain text of questions.
comments and searches [what people type] and the different things that the
bot has responded with. We use this information in an aggregated, anonymous
form to make sure things are running smoothly. And we make sure that the
folks at AOL know what people are asking for too. Type more.


At one point they will use these data connected to the location of the
hotspots and build new movietheatres where especially many people ask for




Sure, do You want more stupid conversation?

Hey Whats that! Who are you!

Hello again. ;-)

OK, I'm searching for matches 4 U. Gimme a sec...

I didn't find any good matches 4 U but may I ask you a question?


Still wondering what to get for someone special?

May I ask YOU a question?

Then try How to Give a Favorite Gift from GAP for some ideas that will make
your gift even more special.

What do you really want from me, I did not invite you to my list?

Mm hm. OK, I'm searching for matches 4 U. Gimme a sec... didn't find any
specific products. Try searching again or type M for the Main Menu. Also try

gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap
gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap

I didn't find what you were searching for in the GAP HOLIDAY FAVORITES.
Would you like me to search AOL Shopping?

Y - Yes
N - No

For more GAP gift suggestions go to

fuck off

OK, no problem. You will NOT be alerted. You can come back any time and

Now, type, M to go back to the Main Menu.


Come back any time -- I never sleep and am here to help you shop.